Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl. In another bowl, add the water and yeast and mix with a hand whisk. Add the sifted flour with the salt and olive oil. Let it rest for 5 minutes. Mix with your hands until it becomes a soft and pliable dough that “sticks” to your hands. Cover the bowl with a transparent film and let the dough “rise” for about ½ hour. Remove the film from the bowl and knead again for 5-10 minutes. Cover the bowl again with the transparent film and set aside until it doubles in volume, for about 1 hour. On a lightly floured surface, knead again and open the dough slightly with your hands or a rolling pin, pressing the edges upwards to create a rim around the perimeter. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a round baking sheet and place the dough on top.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. In a deep pan, sauté the onion, add all the ingredients and let them simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Once the sauce is ready, spread the sauce on the pizza base. Sprinkle the yellow cheese on top. Place all the ingredients evenly and bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for about 15 minutes, until the dough is golden brown.